Tuesday 26 May 2015

Chemical Rio Bravo

Figure 1. Four Representations of one-and-the same molecule. In (1), the fluorines are shown in axial or equatorial manners. In (2), we can see the flattened cyclohexane with all the fluorines pointing out of the page. In (3), the green atoms represent the fluorine atoms. In (4), the blue atoms represent the fluorine atoms, and a 'fluorine shield' is evident. Adapted from Ref. [1].

Making an organic compound with all the correct stereochemistry is tough, and it is even more challenging if that conformer is the highest-energy one. If both aims can be realized, the feat deserves recognition. The paper I share with you this time is exactly one of these cases. No, it is not the most complicated molecule in this universe. It just contains 6 carbons, 6 hydrogens, and 6 fluorines. Yet the chemical compound, known as cis 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexafluorocyclohexane (Figure 1), is the highest energy conformer, and it is a truly fascinating organofluorine molecule.

Professor O’Hagan’s group has synthesized this molecule, and has carried out both practical and theoretical investigations on the interesting properties of this molecule. [1] This compound is extreme – as I said before, fluorine atoms are larger in size than carbon, so a number of them can essentially bury the carbon atoms they bond to. And because this conformer has all the fluorine atoms pointing ‘up’, so what we have here looks like a ‘fluorine shield’.  Of course, if you understand conformational analysis in organic chemistry, you certainly appreciate that the  6 fluorine atoms are placed in an ‘E-A-E-A-E-A’ (or A-E-A-E-A-E) positions, where A is axial and E is equatorial.  You should try to build a molecular model yourself, to convince yourself that it is indeed the case.

Figure 2. The synthetic sequence leading to hexafluorocyclohexane. Taken from [1].

I would like to analyze the synthetic  sequence towards this molecule (Figure 2). Though the chemistry is rather traditional, the reactions illustrate the important stereochemical implications of all these classic reactions, in particular the aim here is to get one single correct stereoisomer.  

At first sight, the aim called for a 6-step procedure, as we needed to put in 6 fluorine atoms, and that could go up to 12 steps if we had to activate the functional groups into better leaving groups! The researchers have chosen an easily-available starting material, myoinositol (2), and with a well-established 6-step procedure, they made the meso-symmetric intermediate (3), which consisted of 2 epoxides and an diol. This arrangement was important: because they showed 3 sets of 1,2-relationships, and indeed many known reactions were great at doing functionalizations at 1,2-positions (dihydroxylation, iodolactonizations, di-functionalizations with Pd complexes etc.), so hopefully this would shorten the procedure, and the researchers were on the right track. 

By first using Deoxofluor, they installed 2 fluorines, with inversion, at the 2 hydroxy positions to afford intermediate (4). It made sense an inversion would have taken place, because the electrophilic sulfur on Deoxofluor would first react with the hydroxy groups to activate that into a better leaving group, and that should do with retention of configuration, as it would not touch the carbon center at all. Only when the nucleophilic fluorine source attached the saturated carbon center would lead to an ultimate inversion of configuration.

Then, they used Et3N. HF to open up simultaneously both epoxides to put on 2 more fluorine atoms onto the 6-membered ring, giving structure 5. Both were also inversions – because the fluoride ion attacked from one side of the ring in a ‘SN2’ (or SNi, someone might call it) manner. 

But it really was the installation of the final 2 fluorine atoms that have proved to be tricky. Indeed, the group has expended considerable efforts to probe the optimal conditions for installation  these  2 fluorine atoms. From their screening experiments, they arrived at the conclusion that not every general fluorination regents could lead to a promising result, and the sluggishness of these reactions signified the challenge of this fluorination reaction. At the end, they had to put the fluorine atoms on, one after another. They first converted the corresponding hydroxyl into their triflate (-OTf) group, and then reacted that with Et3N.HF at elevated temperature to get the fluorine atoms incorporated, giving finally the target (1). Classic again -  the triflation did not touch the carbon center, therefore retention of configuration. Only when the nucleophilc fluoride attacked the triflate would lead to an inversion of stereochemistry as a result. The researchers have carried out 19F NMR to develop further understanding of the reaction, and it was there they discovered the key side reactions occurred, like olefin generation due to elimination at elevated temperature.

The group has carried out X-ray crystallographic, VT-NMR, and also modeling studies to understand more about their new compound’s properties. The most interesting aspect is that the compound looks like a 'fluorine shield', where all the fluorine atoms are pointing at the same direction when the cyclohexane skeleton is flattened. The result is a high dipole moment, where the fluorinated ring is strongly polarized in one direction. While the structure is pretty simple, its special properties should make it useful as components in supramolecular architectures, for example the provision of a stable fluorine surface.

The famous director Howard Hawks believed in the power of ‘3’. Well, with carbon, hydrogen and fluorine, that may be the wisdom here.

by Ed Law


1. All-cis 1,2,3,4,5,6-hexafluorocyclohexane is a facially polarized cyclohexane
Neil S. Keddie, Alexandra M. Z. Slawin, Tomas Lebl, Douglas Philp and David O’Hagan*
Nature Chemistry 2015
DOI: 10.1038/NCHEM.2232