Tuesday 1 September 2015

SteadiCHEM (Fluorous Zinc Reagent)

At Expo Milano 2015, inside the 'Russia World'. Taken by Ed Law.

In the Como fluorine conference, I had a stimulating discussion with an insightful co-worker, who worked in the synthesis of ‘fluorous buckybowls’. He has pointed me to a great paper by Prof. Mikami et. al. in Chemistry – an European Journal earlier this year. I have read it and it is impressive – I would love to talk about that here!

Copper Catalyzed coupling reaction of perfluoroalkylzinc reagent. Adapted from [1].

Prof. Mikami’s group has reported the synthesis of a perfluoroalkylzinc reagent, of the structure (RF)2Zn(DMPU)2, and its application in a copper-catalyzed coupling reaction, that results in perfluoroalkyl aromatic / heteroaromatic compounds. [1] The zinc reagent itself, unlike many main group organometallics involving Li and Mg, is a stable white powder. Yet, as the title of the article has pointed out, it is a reactive reagent. Like Charlie Bronson, he may have the leisure to play a harmonica, but he can shoot, too.

A trifluoromethylation reaction. Adapted from [2].

Some time ago, they have reported a trifluoromethylation reaction of aromatic halide using a copper catalyst. [2] The perfluoroalkylzinc reagent is generated in situ from CF3I and zinc dust. In order to improve the versatility of the methodology, they have then developed the new reagent, (RF)2Zn(DMPU)2.

Generation of the stable perfluoroalkylzinc reagent. Adapted from [1].

The perfluoroalkylzinc reagent is generated by a reaction between perfluoroalkyl iodide (RF-I), diethylzinc, and DMPU at -60oC, using hexane as a solvent. After warming to -20oC and stirring at this temperature for 48 hours, the reaction mixture is worked up and finally they afford an air-stable white powder (except when RF = CF3, which is stable under argon).

The coupling reaction can be done in one-pot. After all the reactants (perfluoroalkylzinc reagent, copper salt, and aromatic halide / vinylic halide...) are loaded into the flask at room temperature under argon, the reaction takes place at elevated temperatures, affording the coupled product after workup. They have been able to couple 5 different perfluoroalkyl groups to 2 types of coupling partners – a substituted aromatic halide or a vinylic halide.

A selection of achieved chemical products. Adapted from [1].

The most important step in the reaction pathway is the transmetallation of the perfluoroalkyl group, from zinc to copper center. The researchers have carried out nice 19F NMR experiments to elucidate the possible intermediates, and these results have proved to show important insights regarding the reactivity of the different types of perfluoroalkylzinc reagents. Before I go into these, it would be more logical to look at the observations first.

Though belonging to the fluorine universe, the results in a trifluoromethyl (CF3) group is rather different from the longer perfluoroalkyl chains (C2F5, C3F7 , C6F13 ...). In most cases, a 10 mol% loading of the copper catalyst, CuI, is enough to effect the coupling reaction at elevated temperature, and in some cases even a lower catalyst loading may also work. For the longer perfluoroalkyl chains, the electronic status of the aromatic compound (whether it contains an electron withdrawing or electron donating substituent) is not important, although electron donating groups lead to a longer reaction time. This is NOT the case for the CF3 group. While aromatic rings containing electron-withdrawing groups work well, no reaction can be observed for those substrates with electron-donating groups (methoxy in this case), even when a stoichiometric amount of CuI is used. When employing 1 eq. of another copper salt, CuTC,   successful reaction with a good yield can be afforded. This observation indeed confirms what the researchers have discovered in the 19F NMR experiments. When they mix (CF3)2Zn(DMPU)2 with CuI, they disover 2 singals in the 19F NMR specturm, which correspond to 2 different anionic copper species. When they mix the same zinc reagent with CuTC,  another 2 different signals appear, and one of them is likely to corresponf to CuCF3. Indeed, CuCF3 is a likely intermediate in many of the copper-catalyzed coupling reaction involving trifluoromethyl groups, and these observations may imply that distinct copper intermediates are involved in all these coupling reactions.

It can also be seen that, the longer reaction time regarding the long perfluoroalkyl chains is likely attributed to a slower zinc-to-copper transmetallation step. And, the temperature range (50-120 oC) also shows the thermal stability of the perfluoroalkylcopper intermediates in these reactions.

They have also proposed a possible mechanism.

Proposed reaction mechanism. Taken from [1].

This is an impressive work. In the Como Conference, I have the great opportunity to meet Professor Kenji Uneyama, who has done a lot of research on organometallics involving fluorinated compounds. In his wonderful lecture, he has shown that while a lot of organometallics can be made (Li, Mg, Cu, Zn), many of them can be rather unstable and can only be used at very low temperature (including cuprates of the types R2CuLi or R2Cu(CN)Li2). And, it can be hard to predict (or have strong confidence) which structure will generate a stable one, you have to experiment on it! I have the impression that those organometallics involving Cu and Zn tend to be more stable at elevated temperature, and therefore should find wider applications in coupling reactions. Given the emergence of many of these great perfluoroalkyl reagents (see also my recent article ‘The Magnficent ATEbersons’, RFZn(Me)Cl-Li+), this certainly is a burgeoning field.

By Ed Law


1. Stable but Reactive Perfluoroalkylzinc Reagents: Application in Ligand-Free Copper-Catalyzed Perfluoroalkylation of Aryl Iodides
Kohsuke Aikawa, Yuzo Nakamura, Yuki Yokota, Wataru Toya, and Koichi Mikami
Chem. Eur. J. 2015, 21, 96 – 100
DOI: 10.1002/chem.201405677

2. Y. Nakamura, M. Fujiu, T. Murase, Y. Itoh, H. Serizawa, K. Aikawa, K. Mikami, Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 2013, 9, 2404.

Added on 2/9/2015:

I think I have missed a few interesting aspects in yesterday's article. First, a bit more on the Zinc / copper perfluoroalkyls. Zinc and copper fluorous organometallics are more thermally stable than their Li / Mg counterparts, due to a stabilization from a more 'covalent' character in the metal-carbon bond, which is originated from a softer nature of the metal. Thus, these compounds tend to be able to survive a higher reaction temperature.

Second, an observation in the reaction is that, when electron-donating group substituted aromatic halides are used as reactants, 15% of pentafluoroethylated by-product can be observed, when 1 eq. of CuTC is used at 50oC. How does this side product arise? Well, there is evidence that when trifluoromethylcopper (I), CF3Cu is generated,  CF3Cu is in an equilibrium with [CF2Cu]F-. This can be built up to a longer perfluoroalkyl copper chain, through a carbene insertion mechanism. This 'oligomerization' can be stopped by adding HMPA. The carbene insertion equilibrium is the likely reason for the formation of perfluoroethyl side-products in this coupling reaction, and it has also been observed in other copper systems. The pentafluoroethyl side-product can be rather difficult to remove from the crude mixture. As stated, this side-reaction can be counteracted by adding HMPA (the researchers have used DMPU here instead) or lower the reaction temperature. Yet,  I suppose 50oC is already the lowest temperature the researchers can get to, and have ca. 75% isolated yield for the product is already impressive.

by Ed Law