Sunday 18 October 2015

Rest In Peace, Professor Richard Heck

Rest in peace, Prof. Richard Heck. You have contributed so much to organic synthesis. With the cross-coupling reaction bears your name (and was awarded a Chemistry Nobel Prize in 2010), you have significantly enhanced the versatility of chemical synthesis.

A classic example of the Heck reaction.

By installing a double bond functionality to an aromatic substrate in a Heck reaction, the synthetic utility of the resulting compound can be greatly enhanced. The reactive double bond can serve as a handle for further manipulations, such as metathesis, epoxidation, difunctionalization, hydrogenation, hydroformylation and so on, and many of these reactions have their asymmetric versions.

As the Heck reaction is fascinating both in scope and also mechanism (and stereochemical aspect), one can easily see that many further developments and studies have been committed to put this reaction into its maximum potential. Cationic, oxidative, or even asymmetric Heck reactions are present in the arsenal, and I am sure more innovative variations will emerge. Without the wisdom of Prof. Heck, I suppose synthesis nowadays will have far more road blocks on the way.

Dedicated with respect and admiration.

by Ed Law