Monday 15 June 2015

Forget-Me-Not, Iron Man

Figure 1. Taken from [1].

One aspect of organic chemistry that has always fascinated me is the possibility of ‘chemical memory’. In an organic molecule, the information is designated in the structure of the molecule itself – what formula (i.e. what atoms in it), how the atoms are arranged and most importantly, its stereochemistry (i.e. its 3D-arrangement). For the stereochemical information, chirality is the more important aspect, as it is the signature that distinguishes two molecules which has exactly the same atom arrangement and same formula.

It is well known that some chemical reactions can destroy the stereochemical information of the starting material. Take the classic example, a first-order, nucleophilic reaction – a SN1 reaction (Figure 2). The mechanism dictates that the leaving group first departs to generate a planar, positive-charged carbocation. The essential detail here is that it is planar. Because of this particular shape, an incoming nucelophile will have a 50% / 50% chance of either attacking from the top of the carbocation, or from the bottom. That means, judging from the stereochemistry from the product (‘R’ or ‘S’ form), that is absolutely no way you will know which starting isomer makes the product, because the sterochemical information is lost upon the formation of the planar carbocation.

 Figure 2. For the SN1 type reaction, the stereochemical information is lost upon the formation of the relatively stable tertiary / secondary carbocation, leading to a racemization of product. Taken from Clayden et. al., Organic Chemistry P.421.

In contrast, this is not the case for a SN2 reaction, which always results in an inversion of stereochemistry (if there is no neighbouring group participations), which means, for example, if you have a product as a ‘S’-isomer, you know it originates from a starting reactant in ‘R’-form, and vice versa (Figure 2).

The loss of stereochemical information can be really tragic, especially in the field of asymmetric synthesis, as a racemization via a proposed strategy basically suggests that your method is heading towards a dead-end. There are, however, examples that stereochemical information can be preserved. One of them is the ferrocene-based carbocation, which is conformationally stable, and therefore when the carbocation is attacked by a nucelophile, it will lead to a retention of configuration – which means the molecule ‘remembers’ its past stereochemistry (Figure 3). This type of chemistry is good news – because by design, we can control the outcome of the reaction confidently now!

Figure 3. Taken from [1].

The Organic Letters article I share with you this time is related to molecular memory, and the reaction is the classic Friedel-Crafts reaction [1]. As you may have learnt in high school, the key step of a Friedel-Crafts alkylation is the generation of a stable carbocation, via the action of a Lewis Acid (AlCl3, FeBr3, to name a few). The researchers have demonstrated that, with the inclusion of a silicon functionality, a retention of configuration can be achieved for the product, that means the compound has shown ‘molecular memory’ and remembers its initial stereochemical configuration.

The model reaction of the substrates without a silicon group shows that, upon reaction, a racemic mixture results. So, the planar carbocation leads to same amount of both the isomers (Figure 4).  
Figure 4. Control experiment leads to racemization, as expected. Taken from [1].

Upon the use of the silyl group and an iron salt as Lewis acid, a retention results for the product. Note the alcohol group in the starting material and the indole ring in the product are both pointing into the plane (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Retention of configuration from silyl substrates. Taken from [1].

They have provided a mechanistic rationale. They believe that the ‘molecular memory’ originated from the β –silyl effect, which leads to the stabilization of the carbacationic intermediate. Thus, the iron salt activates the –OH group and generates the conformationally stable carbacation, then the indole attacks and leads to the final product, with a net retention of configuration (Figure 6).

 Figure 6. Mechanistic rationale of the Friedel-Crafts alkylation. Taken from [1].

With iron man, I can remember my past now!

 by Ed Law

The βSilyl Effect on the Memory of Chirality in Friedel−Crafts Alkylation Using Chiral αAryl Alcohols
Toshiki Nokami,Yu Yamane, Shunsuke Oshitani, Jun-ka Kobayashi, Shin-ichiro Matsui, Takashi Nishihara, Hidemitsu Uno, Shuichi Hayase, and Toshiyuki Itoh

Org. Lett., 2015, asap
DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.5b01582