Friday 12 June 2015

Triangle goes viral

Figure 1. Taken from [1].

Just a quick one here. This is a paper from Organic Letters, where the researchers have made some fluorinated analogues of an inhibitor against Hepatitis C virus. An interesting aspect is that the chemical structure contains a triangle – no, I mean cyclopropyl, the 3-membered carbon ring.

Recently, it becomes known that a major strategy against Hepatitis C virus was to target a protease (NS3/4A), which is involved in the replication of the virus. A known inhibitor of this enzyme is the compound 2 in Figure 1. Not only this peptidomimetic have a di-peptide backbone, it also consists of a cyclopropyl-amino acid functionality. That is why if we want to start making analogues resembling this compound, we have to start with the cyclopropyl core.

The researchers of this paper decided to go one step further - they want to test whether the inclusion of a fluorine atom, bonding directly to the carbon atom in the cyclopropyl core, would lead to any improvement of the inhibitor.

The reason why this paper caught my attention was because I was fascinated by the cyclopropyl type structure, an also its synthesis, nevertheless we will not miss any other details.

Figure 2. Synthesis of the fluorinated cyclopropyl amino ester building block. Taken from [1].

The first stage is to make the protected, fluorinated cyclopropyl amino ester 8 (Figure 2). Using ethyl dibromofluoroacetate, they carried out a cycloproponation with the aminoacrylate 7, with Zn/LiCl at low temperature, with dropwise addition. Indeed, LiCl can accelerate many organozinc and also organomagnesium (Grignard reaction), but one thing important about LiCl (which I can convince you because I have done some related experiments). LiCl is really hygroscopic, so you have to heat it up and dry it under vacuum before use. Except this precaution, LiCl really helps to promote the reaction, and literature abounds with its use.  The resulting cyclopropyl amino ester was stable to column chromatography, and they got that with a reasonably great yield. Their next key challenge was to install the exocyclic double bond, sort of conjugated to the cyclopropyl ring. That involved a series of steps, and the pen-ultimate step involved a Wittig reaction to put in the double bond. After an acidic hydrolysis, they get the amino ester hydrochloride salt 6. 

Figure 3. Completion of Synthesis. Taken from [1].

The reason why they made the compound 6 was because they wanted to develop a strategy to make a fluorinated version of Simeprevir, and compound 6 was actually one of the 4 building blocks they are going to put together at the end. Indeed, their synthesis indeed exposed some of the chemical properties of the building blocks, including compound 6, from the side-reactions they encountered throughout the optimization (Figure 3). For example, a relative higher temperature led to the ring-opening of the cyclopropyl, and indeed they can monitor this because of the distinct 19F NMR shifts of the fluorine atoms in the decomposition products and the cyclopropyl fluorine (Figure 4). They counteracted the problem by lowering the temperature to -15 Celsius. The other key reactions to join the fragments together included a Mitsunobu, a ring-closing metathesis and a mixed anhydride coupling reaction. So, they have devised a novel strategy towards fluorinated analogues and they have also submitted their compounds to some preliminary antiviral activities studies.

Figure 4. 19F NMR showed that the chemical shift of the cyclopropyl fluorine should be very different from that of its decomposition products, which originated from a ring-opened intermediate. Indeed, it would be interesting if this olefinic intermeidate could be trapped by a quenching experiment, or some in-situ NMR experiments could be carried out to study the evolution of this reaction. Taken from Ref. [1].

by Ed Law


1. Toward the Synthesis of Fluorinated Analogues of HCV NS3/4A Serine Protease Inhibitors Using Methyl α-Amino-β-fluoro-β-vinylcyclopropanecarboxylate as Key Intermediate

G. Milanole, F. Andriessen, G. Lemonnier, M. Sebban, G. Coadou, S. Couve-Bonnaire, J.-F. Bonfanti, P. Jubault, and X. Pannecoucke

Org. Lett., 2015, asap
DOI: 10.1021/acs.orglett.5b01216