Monday 4 July 2016

Fishing out the Precious

In this recently-published paper, the research team has immobilized a rhodium complex on a solid support, and the resulting catalyst has proved to be an efficient hydroformylation catalyst.

The researchers have designed and synthesized a novel catalyst for hydroformylation, which involved the immobilization of air-stable rhodium nanoparticles on a magnetic support, which was in turn functionalized with intensely branched polymer that contained phosphine groups at the terminal. The researchers have shown that the rhodium phosphine catalyst could be recycled for further runs of catalytic reactions, and the rhodium complex would not be decomposed even if the catalyst recovery process was carried out without using an inert atmosphere, and the leaching of rhodium metal was negligible. These attributes all represent some of the golden standards of a good recyclable catalyst, in particular in biphasic systems.

The catalyst is modular in nature. Because the rhodium metal is incorporated into the system, let me show you the synthesis of the ligand architecture. The iron oxide core and the hyper-branched polymeric section – ‘HYP’ (which contains the key glycine residue), was separated by a long spacer. The phosphorus center is attached onto this architecture through the use of Ph2PH and paraformaldehyde, resulting in the formation of 2 diphenylphosphine moieties on each glycine residue. The rhodium nanoparticles were then immobilized onto the ligand structure. ICP-OES technique and also transmission electron microscopy have been employed to characterize the resulting phosphine-rhodium complex.

Synthesis of the rhodium hydroformylation catalyst.

The catalyst, designated as Fe3O4@SiO2-HYP-N(CH2PPh2)2Rh (I would abbreviate it as ‘FeRh’ from now on), was tested for hydroformylation reactions. A number of alkene substrates were tested, and some of them were natural-occurring terpenes. Since the compound estragole was the most reactive for the hydroformylation, the researchers chose this as the model compound for their further investigations on catalyst stability and re-usability.

Hydroformylation of estragole as a model reaction.

The researchers have found that, when the new Fe/Rh catalyst was used to perform hydroformylation on estragole, the catalyst loading was lower and the conversion was far higher than their last-generation catalyst, which did not possess the hyperbranched polymeric section (HYP). The researchers proposed that the inclusion of the polymeric structure could open up more active sites for the phosphine-rhodium moieties on the catalyst surface, hence the improvements in the catalyst performance.

The recyclability and re-usability were also investigated. Because the iron nanoparticle could be attracted to a permanent magnet, the Fe/Rh catalyst was thus recovered from the reaction mixture by magnetic separation. The catalyst was re-used for 5 more times, using any compromise in terms of activity, conversion or selectivity, suggesting that the catalyst was not ‘dead’ (or decomposed). ICP-OES data also showed no significant rhodium leaching, and the Fe/Rh catalyst was observed to be stable in air.

They have obtained Raman spectra to show that the diphenylphosphine has been grafted more efficiently on the iron-polymeric backbone of the ligand. Yet, they also cautioned that further investigations were needed because the diphenylphosphine-based ligand, while so far proved air-stable, they could not rule out a likely possibly that partial oxidation could take place on the phosphorus center. Indeed, I feel it makes total sense. Because of the reaction methodology (i.e. HPPh2 / paraformaldehyde), there would result in the formation of a di-phenylphosphine, and the alkyl CH2 group could render the phosphine more sensitive to atmospheric oxygen, which is not the case for the indefinitely air-stable triphenylphosphine.

One final thing that fascinates me is the synthesis of rhodium nanoparticles, as I never know how it can be done. The rhodium source is the red-colored rhodium(III) chloride hydrate (RhCl3.xH2O), for which I have used before to prepare some [Rh(cod)Cl]2 for other rhodium complexes. The RhCl3 and tetraoctylammonium bromide (TOAB) were combined in a 2-phase system, and then NaBH4 solution was added to the reaction mixture. The organic phase, which was black in color, contained the Rh-TOAB nano-particles.

Wonderful work!

by Ed Law

1. Support Functionalization with a Phosphine-Containing Hyperbranched Polymer: A Strategy to Enhance Phosphine Grafting and Metal Loading in a Hydroformylation Catalyst
Marco A. S. Garcia, Rodrigo S. Heyder, Kelley C. B. Oliveira, Jean C. S. Costa,
Paola Corio, Elena V. Gusevskaya, Eduardo N. dos Santos, Reinaldo C. Bazito and
Liane M. Rossi, ChemCatChem,2016, 8, 1951 – 1960.