Wednesday 13 July 2016

Fatten up a Few Gear

Ever since my undergraduate years in biochemistry, I have developed an intense fascination with the chemistry and biology of membranes. While most elementary textbooks on biology have often portrayed the cell membrane as a pair of lines (or curves in some cases), this organelle is actually one of the most dynamic components of the cell, and the chemistry and molecular biology behind it serve as the driving force for many wonderful molecular phenomena. 

Now, I am working in the field of bi-phasic catalysis, and it is quite gratifying to see that there are parallels between my field and that of membrane science. If possible in the future, membrane chemical biology is certainly a research field I would love to explore! This week, I have read a great article in Journal of American Chemical Society about lipid membrane and hydrogel formation [1], and I would like to share with you here.

Figure 1. Hydrogel network formation through the catalysis of a lipid membrane.

The paper is about the use of a negative-charged lipid membrane as a catalyst to facilitate the formation of a hydrogel network (Figure 1). A hydrogel is defined as a polymeric, gel-like macromolecular structure, which is made by the cross-linking of polymer chains. Hydrogels have been used in drug delivery, tissue engineering, supramolecular catalysis [2c], and many other fields.  The self-assembly and aggregation of the resulting fibrous hydrogel network has to be designed in a way so that the material properties of the resulting gel fiber can be controlled. On the other hand, the spatial position of hydrogel formation has to be carefully defined, to serve the aim of controlled release or delivery of, for example, drug molecules.

The researchers have found that a negatively-charged lipid membrane can be used as a catalyst to form supramolecular hydrogel networks. The negatively-charged liposomes can be used to catalyze the formation of a gelator molecule 3, and they have been able to achieve spatial control – the gelator molecule 3 is formed near the membrane, so that the resulting hydrogel networks can be formed in this well-defined area. The mechanism involves the generation of a local proton (H+) gradient - due to the prevalence of the negative charges. The high proton concentration facilitates the acid-catalyzed formation of hydrazonethe functional group in the gelator molecule 3.

For the chemistry, the first stage to form the hydrogel is a reaction between a hydrazide 1 and an aldehyde 2 to form the hydrazone derivative 3. At neutral pH, this reaction is very slow. Yet, the researchers have established that, when an acid or aniline is added, the reaction rate improves a lot. The structure of the hydrazone enables itself to self-assemble and forms a fiber-like structure, and aggregates towards a cross-linked network, resulting in gelation of the surrounding solvent.

The researchers are interested to see whether a negatively-charged lipid membrane can somehow catalyze the formation of hydrazone 3 and also the formation of the final hydrogel network. Their rationale is that the negative charges on the membrane can induce an increase in the proton concentration, leading to a decrease of pH and renders the chemical environment more acidic. They believe this acidic environment may catalyze the formation of the hydrazone stucture and subsequent hydrogelation.

The reaction is carried out in the following way. The hydrazide 1 and the aldehyde 2 are mixed in a defined ratio in a buffered solution at neutral pH. After that, the negative-charged liposome solution is added, and the reaction is carried out at room condition. As observed, the gelator molecule 3 is formed and eventually gelation of solvent occurs, signifying the complete formation of the hydrogel network.

How did the researchers access whether catalysis occurred from the liposome? They employed a parameter known as minimum gelation concentration (MGC). They have first measured a control value – where no liposome is added to 3 at pH 7. When a liposome from a lipid with negative charges, DPPG (Figure 2), is added to the reaction mixture with 1 and 2, a decrease in MGC is evident. Of course, if an acid or aniline is added to the reaction mixture instead, due to their catalytic effects, the MGC should also decrease. Indeed, the researchers have found that the negatively charged liposomes work even better – they lead to lower MGC as compared to the acid / aniline scenarios. As another control experiment, the addition of a positive charged liposome sample does not lead to a decrease of MGC. With the use of an UV-active hydrazide substrate, the researchers can monitor the formation of hydrazone using absorbance spectroscopy for different reaction conditions. Thus, the logical conclusion from these trials is that a negative charged membrane is essential for catalysis to occur.

Figure 2. Structure of DPPG and DOPG.

Yet, there is one important thing to note before we jump to simple conclusions. The researchers have found that, while negatively charged membrane is likely to catalyze the formation of hydrogelator network, not all negative charged membranes can achieve that. The one missing piece in the puzzle is the melting temperature, Tm, of the liposome. When the researchers added the liposome from the negative charged lipid DOPG (Figure 2, Tm -20oC, a liquid phase membrane at room temperature), to the reaction mixture, no hydrogelation occurs even at high liposome concentration. Yet, when the researchers increase the rigidity of the DOPG membrane through the addition of cholesterol (this should be familiar to anyone doing biochemistry or membrane biology), the DOPG-cholesterol hybrid membrane can then catalyze hydrogelation, suggesting the Tm of this hybrid liposome has increased.

Thus, the researchers have summarized that, in order for the liposome to catalyze hydrogelation, 2 criteria have to be fulfilled:

(1)   a negatively charged membrane surface
(2)   a solid phase at room temperature

The researchers have also established, from oscillatory rheology, that lipid concentration can control the physical properties of the hydrogel network. They also believe that liposomes are serving as nucleation points for the formation of fibrous network. I can think of a similar analogy in the case of cytoskeleton biology, where accessory proteins can serve as nucleation centers for actin polymerization.

By using confocal microscopy and a fluorescent aldehyde substrate, the researchers can also visualize the formation of the hydrogel network. When no liposomes are present, the resulting structure is very slack and un-connected. In the presence of liposomes, by contrast, the resulting hydrogel network becomes well-organized and dense, and the effect is enhanced when the liposome concentration is increased.

A very interesting aspect of the gel fiber formation occurs from the ‘underdog’, DOPG, which does not meet up to potential at the catalytic tests only until cholesterol comes to help. Rather curiously, because the Tm of DOPG is low, that meant the membrane it forms is more fluid than the membrane from DPPG. If we look at the chemical structure of DOPG and DPPG, it may shed light on this observation, and this concept is also familiar to biochemistry students. DOPG contains carbon-carbon double bonds, while DPPG is totally saturated on the carbon chains. The presence of double bonds will provide kinks and prevent a close-packing of the hydrocarbon chains, which by contrast is facile when only saturated chains are present. Thus, the unsaturated DOPG is more fluid than the saturated DPPG, and this also explains why the Tm of DOPG is lower.

DOPG has a higher affinity for the gel fibers. The affinity of the hydrogel fiber for the lipid membrane is related to the phase behavior of the hydrocarbon chains of the lipids, thus, a more fluid membrane should favor this interaction. Thus, DOPG-derived membrane seems to interact better with the hydrogel fiber than DPPG-type membrane.

What I am particularly impressed is that, by carrying out so many control experiments, the researchers draw together all the clues and provide a coherent explanation for the different performance of the DPPG and DOPG in catalysis. They propose that, because the DPPG membrane has less affinity to the hydrogel fiber, so the fiber is not blocking the way for DPPG to effect catalysis on its surface, therefore an efficient catalysis occurs and it goes on and on. In contrast, DOPG-type membrane, which is fluid and ‘loves’ the hydrogel fiber,  interacts with the gel fiber with such a high affinity that it is literally blocking the way for further rounds of catalysis. The researchers also draw analogy to the product blocking phenomena in heterogeneous catalytic systems, and I find this as an impressive explanation!

At the biological side, the researchers have also generated hydrogel fiber formations on HeLa cell systems.

All in all, this is a wonderful paper on membrane chemical biology. I have learnt a number of new techniques from it, and I am particularly impressed by the mechanistic insights, both in terms of catalytic and material, from all the great experiments they have carried out to arrive at the conclusions. Brilliant!

by Ed Law


1. Negatively Charged Lipid Membranes Catalyze Supramolecular Hydrogel Formation
Frank Versluis, Daphne M. van Elsland, Serhii Mytnyk, Dayinta L. Perrier, Fanny Trausel, Jos M. Poolman, Chandan Maity, Vincent A. A. le Sage, Sander I. van Kasteren, Jan H. van Esch and Rienk Eelkema
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, asap, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.6b03853

2. Originally, I plan to talk about a self-emulsifying system which is used in the hydroformylation of lipid substrates. When I read Ref. [1], I decide to talk about that instead. It is interesting to see there are some connections regarding the two topics. Here are the references:

(a) A self-emulsifying catalytic system for the aqueous biphasic hydroformylation of triglycerides
T. Vanbésien, A. Sayede,   E. Monflier and    F. Hapiot 
Catal. Sci. Technol., 2016,6, 3064-3073
DOI: 10.1039/C5CY01758K

(b) Supramolecular Emulsifiers in Biphasic Catalysis: The Substrate
Drives Its Own Transformation
Théodore Vanbésien, Eric Monflier, and Frédéric Hapiot
ACS Catal. 2015, 5, 4288−4292
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.5b00861

(c) Thermoresponsive Hydrogels in Catalysis
Frédéric Hapiot, Stéphane Menuel, and Eric Monflier
ACS Catal. 2013, 3, 1006−1010